Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Second Test Day !! (13.11.2011)

Finally my Second Test day came. I woke up with restorative mood, after breakfast I took my fathers wishes and head on to the test center "the one which I've taken my first test". Again I met couple of students who were waiting for the administrator, I tried to have a talk with them (of course in English). Whenever I go to take this test I've always made good friends "the friends whom I am in contact with, up until now" All of them are adroit and sagacious on their fields. It's always good to have friends if they are willing to take the challenge of friendship.
One interesting situation occurred at the test center, when all candidates gathered inside the room there occurred some technical problems with computers. Many people say that "13" number is the luckiest number LOL.The test had to start at 9 am but when the problem solved the time was about 10:30 am and we waited more than 1,5 hour. Our lucky day began with marred computers and everyone over there laughed upon the guy who really believed that this was true. =)
So Test started, again I tackled with the reading section (the reading sections always has been toughest section of all time on TOEFL, depends on the person though) the texts were abstruse as usual, dealing with biological, chemical and with some onerous words was sort of difficult for me because TOEFL Reading is all about "Comprehension". 
After Reading, the listening section came through. As long as I learned how to handle the listening section it was more understandable and easier than the first time. Speaking section also went good, this time I didn't confuse and also managed to finish my talk on time "Sigh I relieved". However the writing section was still tougher for me, especially Integrated section. I couldn't understand the first section but I hoped I did well on the Independent section.
Test finished at 2:30 pm, I went out to relieve but still my mind was boiling.
During the 10 minutes break after Listening, I talked with the other people who were taking the test. There was a girl who tried test 1 year ago and got 89 and now came to take her second. According to her she also has taken SAT more than 4 times. She says: TOEFL is nothing in front of SAT, even though the reading section (the second which has always challenged me up until now) I found it fascinating.
When the test finished I exchanged my facebook address with her and decided to keep in touch through this website. It was sincerely nice to make friends!
So Challenge is over, I headed my way to home when I came back I got terrible headache and spent whole of my day with relaxing.

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